Creating a character

Creating a character is all about dreaming up a concept, then figuring out how to realize it mechanically. There is no specific order you need to follow, so feel free to skip questions that are difficult to answer, or skip to questions that are easy to answer.

If you're new to roleplaying games, or if you just want to get an idea of what your character is like before you start implementing anything on the character sheet, start by writing an answer to each of the headings before you read the text under them.

What kinds of things have you always been good at?

Everybody has stuff that make it easier or harder for them to do specific things. Read up on attributes, then pick two attributes to specialize in and set them to +1.


Gamemasters, if players are starting at a level higher than 1 their starting attributes should add up to twice their starting level -- they can distribute these attributes however they want as long as they adhere to the attribute level cap.

What has your past taught you?

Think about where in the campaign world you come from, and why you are seeking out to adventure with your fellow players. Then, read up on skills, legacies, and backgrounds and write a background that summarizes your character's story so far. Set it to 2d12. You also start with 5 points of potential to spend on skills and legacies as you progress.

If you can't come up with a good background, that's cool too. Just start with 15 points of potential so you can make your background as you develop your character's skills and legacies!


Gamemasters, you can offer more than one starting background if you wish. If a player doesn't want to make all of the starting backgrounds, they can instead choose to take 5 points of potential per die in the backgrounds they would have created.

What things do you have with you?

Think about what possessions your character might have and write them down. This doesn't have to be an exhaustive list, but it should probably cover most things that you'd use to showcase what cool stuff your character can do.

Consider writing down a sentimental object such as a an old, handwritten journal or a locket carrying an irreplaceable lock of grey hair. Even mundane objects, from bedrolls to mp3 players, can speak a lot about the character that carries them in their day-to-day and where they come from.

Once you've finished figuring out what you've got, read up on items and add tags to anything that would benefit from having them. Be sure to talk to your gamemaster about the items and tags you've chosen. If your campaign is going to be combat focused, it's probably a good idea to have something with the Weapon tag.

Example: Cavern Explorer

A cavern explorer might have a bedroll, tent, backpack, mess kit, pack of torches, medical supplies, and a grappling hook (close-range).

Example: Starship Diplomat

A starship diplomat might have things like a universal translator, fine clothes, id card, hologram computer, a wax seal kit, and a handful of fountain pens.

What power or talent makes you unique?

Read up on special abilities and ability points, and consider what type of ability points make sense for your character. Then work with your GM to pick or create a special ability for your character.

Once you've done that, decide your character's maximum health and ability points.

Choose one:

  • 30 health, 1 ability point
  • 20 health, 2 ability points
  • 10 health, 3 ability points

And then choose one more:

  • Give yourself another special ability or improve one that you already have
  • Pick something cool and unique to have as equipment-- something useful or mysterious that most people wouldn't have. Give it at least a +1 tag.
  • Create a helper or ally companion to assist your character

What do you look like?

Describe your character! What's their heritage? Are they young or old? Thick or scrawny? What color skin? Eyes? Hair? What colors of clothing do they wear? How does their equipment look on them? Is it shiny and new? Dingy and poorly cared for? Ill fitting? Tailor-made? Be sure to pick a defining visual characteristic or two that highlights their history or personality.

What is your name?

Now that you know everything about them, what kind of a name fits your character? Do they use their full name or a nickname? Do they know their family name? Are they proud of it?

Alternatively, you can choose a name early and use that to help figure out answers to other questions!