Session goals and leveling up

At the end of every session, you earn potential based on how well the session fulfilled your session goals. At the end of each session, read the following goals aloud:

  • Gain a point of potential if we accomplished something new and important
  • Gain a point of potential if we learned something important about the world, or if something important changed
  • Gain a point of potential if we learned something important about a player character, or if something important changed
  • Gain a point of potential if we come up with a witty title to remember this session by

Discuss if you met the goal. If the players and the GM agree that you have, immediately gain one point of potential!


Potential is a measure of your growth. You'll start with some potential during character creation, and then earn more at the end of every session. You can then spend that potential in game, after the game, and/or out of game -- depending on what your group prefers -- to improve skills and legacies.

Potential Track

Whenever you earn potential, mark that many boxes on the potential track. There are 25 boxes on the potential track, every time you mark a row of 5 boxes on the potential track, your character grows stronger.

Boxes Marked Benefit
5 Choose one: +10 max health or +1 max ability points
10 Choose one: Improve a special ability or gain a new one
15 Choose one: +10 max health or +1 max ability points
20 Choose one: Improve a special ability or gain a new one
25 +10 max health, +1 max ability points, improve a special ability or gain a new one, +1 to two attributes, level up!

Leveling up

When you fill up the potential track all the way, you level up! Leveling up means more dice to use on tests. When you level up, pick two attributes and increase their bonus by 1. Just make sure you're not going past the attribute cap. Then, once you've done all that, reset the potential track by unmarking all the marked boxes.

Character check-in

In addition to the power bump of being able to roll more dice, leveling up also provides a space for you and your gamemaster to check-in and rework any aspects of the character that just aren't working. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Forget any number of skills or legacies and reclaim your spent potential
  • Rename any number of skills or legacies
  • Invest any unspent potential on any skills or legacies you want
  • Combine any number of d12 skills or legacies into backgrounds
  • Rename any backgrounds you want
  • Erase any special abilities you want, and reclaim your spent points of potential
  • Gain any number of new special abilities, spending three points of potential for each
  • Improve special abilities any number of times, spending three points of potential for each

Custom goals

Session goals can always be changed after each session, and should always be changed if the group isn't feeling them. The goal of session goals is to create a positive feedback loop of doing the things that everyone is excited about. The more fun the session, the more potential everybody should get!

Generally, you want about one goal per hour you usually play so you can aim to achieve one goal per hour you play! Session goals can be narrative goals like "Gain a point of potential if we defeat the Bronzeridge Bandits," or more meta goals like "Gain a point of potential if everyone had fun."

Personal goals

Session goals don't have to be shared-- if your group is comfortable with players having different amounts of potential, characters or players can have their own personal goals in addition to the group goals. You should reduce the number of shared goals if characters have their own personal goals, since you typically want to achieve between hours played and goals possible to achieve.

Personal goals are set by each player on their own based on whatever makes sense for their character. They can be changed after each session, or whenever the player and gamemaster agree that they should be changed. Personal goals often end up being more specific than shared goals-- especially when you're still feeling out your character --but they should evolve overtime into something that speaks to your character's general behavior.

Early goals like these:

  • Gain a point of potential if you protected Wren from the brigands
  • Gain a point of potential if you take a thieves guild job
  • Gain a point of potential if you talk your way into the art show

Can become these:

  • Gain a point of potential if you put yourself in harms way to protect another
  • Gain a point of potential if you skimmed a little off the top for yourself
  • Gain a point of potential if you convinced someone to see it your way

Alternatives to goals

If your group would rather not do goals, you can instead simply gain a specific amount of potential every session. One to two points of potential per two hours of playtime is about right!